As a singer/songwriter music enthusiast, I can tell you that buying a gift for a singer is definitely hard but not impossible.
The problem? There simply isn’t that much stuff out there for singers. Plus, you’ll need to know the level they’re at to know what to buy them (usually, not always)
This list will have stuff that ALL singers no matter how long they’ve been singing will use and enjoy. BUT it will also have stuff for more experienced and less experienced. I wanted to make sure I got every category in here.
Why is buying a gift for a singer so hard?
Well, for starters…….what a singer wants most is to be able to sing well. Out of all the instruments I’ve trained, your own vocal chords are the hardest. You can’t simply buy something to make them better, and there is a ton of misinformation out there on how to become a good singer……which makes things even worse.
On top of all this? Well, there aren’t that many things a singer needs. Plus many of the things singers want aren’t even invented yet, or if they have been they’re invented poorly.
I could go on and on, but it would be a drag. Fortunately, as a singer/songwriter for 16 years (I just realized I got another year in, wow……time really flies by…) I can tell you some of the gifts that every singer will for sure enjoy.
Some of these are home runs, others are just nice gifts that any singer will appreciate. Hope you enjoy the post!!
#1 Throat Tea
This might seem strange and silly, and probably something that someone wouldn’t REALLY want. I mean throat tea? Really?
Yes, absolutely. This is probably the number one gift for singers. Good throat teas are anti inflammatory and will help singers practice longer. Most singers are obsessive with their teas and some even make their own recipes.
If you’re wanting to wow them, this is probably your best bet. They’ll be super surprised at how thoughtful (and genius) you are for actually getting them something that’s so useful.
So, which ones are the best to get? Well, fortunately…….most professional singers find the same one to be the best which is throat coat tea from traditional medicine.
There are all different sorts of teas you can get them though. I’m actually more of a fan of Yogi throat comfort, that and some honey will do the trick for me.
Here’s a pretty solid review, if you’re interested.
(Need More Info? Click here for More Details and Reviews on Amazon)
#2 Vocal Eze
If you haven’t heard, this is a throat spray that helps with your singing similarly to how Tea and other types of throat coat work.
I used to be skeptical of this stuff until recently. Cari Cole (vocal coach for Journey, Courtney Love, Steely Dan, and many others) made a post (post here https://www.caricole.com/performance-tips/ ) talking about how to prep for a show and she recommended using it in there.
Started doing some research on it, and turns out other vocal coaches recommend it and there is some science to how it works. Pretty cool, and organic as well.
There are other ones, but they don’t really seem like they would do the job. Some were even alcohol based (seriously) which is known to dry out the vocal chords. Absolutely absurd. Can’t imagine why anyone thought that was a good idea.
It looks to me this is the best brand for it, even though it is pricier compared to the others. (still not expensive at all)
Bonus plus is that this helps people with sore throats as well. Makes sense. Lol.
(Need more info? Click here for more details and reviews on Amazon)
#3 Belt Box
This might be your lifesaver if you’re a mom buying your kid a gift.
What is it?
Basically all the belt box does is make your voice quiet when you sing. SUPER simple product, but solves a huge problem. Especially if your kid likes being really loud when they sing.
How does it work? It’s super simple. You just wear it like a mask over your face and then sing as loud as your heart desires. Nothing to difficult, and doesn’t require any assembly or easily breakable parts.
Downside? It’s not for everyone obviously, not everyone really needs one of these. It can be helpful for p eople living in an apartment, or with other people who need some peace and quiet.
You can check out this video demonstrating the product. Pretty cool.
(Need more info? Get more Details and Reviews on Amazon)
#4 Jennifer Hamady
The Art of Singing: Discovering And Developing Your True Voice (Book)
This might not seem like something that would be a home run gift, but I can assure you it is. In fact, getting almost any good book on singing for them will be something they love.
They’re a ton of good options out there, but this one is a really easy read with tons of actionable tips that you can use to make your voice better pretty quickly.
It’s also not only about improving your voice, Jennifer Hamady is a coach and professional singer and knows all the other issues that singers face. She also goes over these other issues and gives great practical advice.
Like I was saying before, you can find tons of other great books on singing out there. I chose this one because it’s a really great book no matter what level of singing you’re at.
(Need More info? Find more Details and Reviews on Amazon)
#5 SM58
This is the most popular mic out there when it comes to singing. Hands down, the SM58 is the most popular mic out there for singers and speakers alike.
Shure in general has always held the spotlight when it comes to having the best mics. Before the SM58 there was the SM57, which was also the most popular mic out there. Even the presidents use Shure mics. Ever since Lyndon Johnson, all presidents have used the SM57. Not sure why they haven’t upgraded yet to the SM58. Maybe it’s because the SM57 had a more professional look? Not sure.
Regardless, these mics are absolutely perfect for singers. Not to mention they don’t even cost that much. Which kind of blows me away. They really could be charging an arm and a leg for these.
Why are they perfect for singers?
- Extremely Versatile, will work well for studio recording or Live performances
- Durable, these aren’t flimsy mics with pop screens you’ll need to worry about breaking. The Grille around the mic is a pop filter.
- Sound doesn’t distort at high levels
- Cuts out extra background noise better than other mics
- Works great recording other instruments
There’s plenty of really technical reasons that these are the best mics out there for singers, but I won’t get into all of them. It’s honestly quite a bore to read technical recording stuff after awhile (trust me on this one)
I think this is actually the perfect gift, if who you’re buying it for doesn’t already have one.
Even if you buy one for a young singer, they’ll be using this gift for years and years. The Shure SM58 has been the standard in audio since 1969. In all this time, they’ve maintained their spot as best mic in the world (literally). You really can’t go wrong getting one of these unless they already have one!
(Need More info? Find more Details and Reviews on Amazon)
#6 Studio Recording Package
I debated wether or not to add this one, but since this post is about the absolute best gifts for singers I decided to add it.
What it is: A good studio recording package includes an interface to plug a mic into that will plug into your computer and will also include a DAW (Digital audio workstation). This is all your singer will need to be able to record their own vocals, as well as any other instruments they might play.
This is a phenomenal gift, why was I hesitant to add this on this list?
Well, to be honest……this is kind of expensive, not horribly……..But it still is, for this reason I almost excluded it. I figure most people cannot afford to be buying gifts like this, but if you can…..awesome. You’re about to be a super cool Uncle. (Or Aunt, friend, whoever!)
I cannot even begin to express how fun these are to play with.
Getting a good DAW and a Mic……..will result in hours and years of fun, I’ve recorded a couple of albums based on just a small setup like this.
So, which one should I choose?
You might want to go out and read some reviews on different ones, but the most popular option I’ve seen out there is made by Presonus. There’s has everything you need, and people seem to agree this one will work no matter if you end up getting higher end equipment to go with it later, or you end up sticking with the basics it comes with. This is pretty important. Especially if your singer has other musical interests.
Go ahead and check out this review, it’s pretty straightforward.
(Check out more about the PreSonus on Amazon here)
#7 Microphone Cleaner
Not really much to say about this one! If they have a microphone, it needs to be clean! There are tons of different options out there, most are incredibly cheap. My personal favorite one is this.
Mainly, because this one is more of a disinfectant than anything! Honestly, I don’t want to touch your mic unless it’s been disinfected. It’s just Nasty.
What’s Surprising?
Most people actually do not do this. It makes no sense. Most people do not wipe off their microphones, even in professional spaces like studios.
Bonus: 3 quick tips on buying gifts for singers.
#1 Sometimes, it’s best to simply ask.
I know I know, you want the gift to be a surprise. But, for the singers who seem to have absolutely everything……this is the best option.
Some of these gifts you can still get them, you can never get enough throat coat or vocal spray………
But let’s face it, a very advanced singer is very hard to buy a gift for. There’s a good chance you’ll buy them something they already have, or worse something they don’t need.
Most advanced singers are just hyper focused on getting just a slight bit better, chances are there is some coaching program or book they’d like. Just ask them!
#2 If they have other musical inclinations, see what those are. There might be an even better gift option.
My sister is an incredibly gifted singer. From the second she first sang it was mesmerizing. I don’t know where it came from, and I’m jealous because it took me a lot of practice to get where I am.
Year after year, even though her main focus is singing…..I’ve asked her what she’s wanted for Christmas.
It’s never once been something singing related. It’s always something to do with her side passions (Ukulele, Piano, Guitar, Etc.)
Truthfully, this is a relief. Because it is SO much easier to buy instruments and accessories for them than it is to buy gifts for singers.
If you’re lucky and you’re buying a gift for a sister like mine……….see if this is the case! You might be surprised.
#3 Don’t buy something without doing a little research first.
I have personally bought so many things that have ended up being garbage. Especially when it comes to music accessories.
I’ve been disappointed in tons of stuff (most were cheap and I should’ve known better, but not all), and it’s really all my fault.
If you find a course out there, or a book, or something that claims to make you a great singer…………be careful.
This might seem like an obvious tip, and I understand it kind of is. There’s just a lot of ways to get burned out there and I don’t want you to. Do your research!
I hope you enjoyed reading this article!
If you have any questions at all please leave me a comment below. It would mean a lot to me to know what you think, and know how I can personally improve this article.
Good luck on your search!!