Dave Grohl is a legend, and to be honest he’s a great role model for musicians and people everywhere.
He strikes again by giving BBQ to the firefighters over at station 68 in Calabas, California.
The fires in California is now officially the deadliest in their history. With 200 missing and the death toll at over 43 with many injuries (different news companies claim different numbers for the amount of injuries) this wildfire is absolutely devastating and our firefighters are out in full force trying to stop it.
Dave Grohl actually cooked the BBQ from his own restaurant (Backbeat BBQ, which is now on my bucketlist for places to try. It looks incredible) and the firefighters even took a pic with Grohl for their Instagram.
Pretty damn cool Grohl.
With over 15,000 homes being at risk and over 7,000 destroyed it’s great to have people around like Grohl that will help in any way they can.
If you would like to help in the cause for victims that are currently in need of shelter and food please check out the Red Cross website.
If you are not a fan of the Red Cross you can always check out other charities on Charity Navigator as well, which sorts out the best charities you can help.
*Pic from Backyard BBQ