In this article we review some high quality, Bluetooth options for midi controllers. There a TON of great options out there…….but in this article we’ll just be reviewing the ones I found surprisingly good.
Note: You can make ANY midi controller Bluetooth if you know how. – After this top 7 list I’ll reveal the trick to doing it. Pretty simple, and awesome.
Let’s get started with the list!
#1) xkey air 37 (Oddly Satisfying)
This model has really gained a lot of popularity recently. It’s very…….unique in certain ways. A lot of people fall in love with these for an odd reason.
I got to find out why people love them for myself when I fiddled around with my buddy’s for a bit. It was weird, but a really cool experience.
So, why did I fall in love with this keyboard?
It’s the keys. They literally make you play differently, because the way they’re set up. It’s like that new guitar feeling, where you play different because the guitar feels different. If you’ve ever experienced that…..that’s what they feel like to play on.
The keys when you press them, have this oddly satisfying click. Like a keyboard.
It might sound crazy, but this paired with the fact that the black keys are also lower……gives a lot of fun and joy back into simply just playing on the keyboard. It feels like a new instrument.
Yeah, I didn’t expect to like these…….but I really do…..a LOT.
Check out this review below if you’re interested. It’s a really good review.
#2) Korg nanokey studio
Interesting model, which I personally think is best suited for a beginner. Mainly because of the easyscale functionality (learn more about that in the video below) and the keys. The keys are more like buttons, which if you’re used to playing A keyboard that’s not optimal. But if you are a beginner, this will feel better for you.
This is geared for beginners in a lot of other ways as well, but I’d recommend that if you’re more used to keyboards with actual keys…… Think twice before buying this model. They’re kind of fun, but can be slightly frustrating. I just personally really need my keys to feel good. A lot of people like them though! So don’t just take my word for this. Go try one yourself!
#3) Akai lpk25 Wireless
If you’re looking for a extremely affordable option, that just does the basics…… this is a great option that’s still pretty sturdy for the price. This is a sort of cousin to the MPK the iconic Middi controller that everyone seems to love……… but broken down to the bare bones.
It simply has the necessities, A keyboard, octave up and down buttons, I sustain pedal,
And an arpeggiator. Which to some people isn’t a necessity, but to me it definitely is. Got to have it.
(So you’re aware, there is a wired and a wireless version)
Here’s a pretty good review below:
#4) Xkey keystep 25
Yes, this is just the keystep with 25 keys……but I just had to include it, because I really think that you should be considering the keystep.
I promise it feels absolutely incredible. Yes, it may not be for everyone……but at the least hit up your local music store the next time you can and try one. They’re awesome keyboards. I really never thought I would like a keyboard that clicked like a computer keyboard……..but it’s just strangely satisfying and for some reason feels like you’re playing a different instrument.
#5) Korg Microkey Air
This keyboard is full of many surprises……not a lot of users of them, but the people who do like them seem to really like them a lot. Which I found interesting, you’d think word would spread……..but that’s a whole other tangent.
This keyboard just has a lot of small (good) surprises. For instance, when I see a keyboard with smaller keys I instantly think I won’t like how the keys feel……but I got to try one of these in a local music store and was surprised that the keys felt so good.
It’s not for me personally, but it’s still a great controller. Tons of small stuff that’s different to than other controllers. Little stuff, but cool since it makes it more unique. A lot of keyboards and controllers out there are very similar. Especially the keyboards that just come with basic options. Gets boring! Add more stuff! (Yes, I understand a keyboard by itself has tons of great uses please don’t hate on me in the comments lol)
#6) Roli seaboard block (CONTROVERSIAL and SQUISHY)
If you’re really into midi controllers/keyboards…….no doubt you’ve heard of this thing. They’re honestly super interesting and the idea is genius.
Basically, they’re interactive and squishy. The way you’re pressing down is going to change the note…..in more ways than one. Since these keyboards are squishy, they feel a LOT more like a regular instrument you’d play. Where you have a lot more control over it. Or well, I say regular……but I guess I mean like a stringer instrument.
Another cool thing about these, is that they’re not as expensive as when they first came out with that 88 key full size option. Which honestly, cool and all…….but I’d rather have something more portable anyway.
Anyways, there’s a lot of cool stuff that goes into these. One of my favorite YouTubers Taetro does a great review below of this squishy keyboard.
BONUS: The absolute best midi controller there is.
First, I want to say that this is NOT a Bluetooth wireless controller…….but if you hook it up with this device –
It can be.
So yes, I’m sorry to add a non Bluetooth controller to this list…..
but honestly it was so good I JUST HAD TO ADD IT.
100%, This is the ABSOLUTE BEST MIDI CONTROLLER. Huge claim. But I can back it up. I honestly think that this controller has absolutely everything that most people would want in their controller. At least, when it comes to a small controller that you can carry around. Of course, this is probably one you’ve heard about…….so i’m not gonna talk a ton about it……like everything else here I’ll leave a YouTube video link of a pretty solid review I found.
Seriously you should check it out, like I honestly don’t know how they’re going to one up this controller. It’s straight up perfect other than not being Bluetooth enabled. Which I guess they figured for most people that wasn’t a big deal.
At this point, you probably HATE me and are asking WHY I didn’t add any just straight up Bluetooth best pad type of controllers in here.
Well here’s one.
But the reason WHY I didn’t add any other than this one…..
I didn’t feel comfortable with the other ones. I didn’t like them, and I honestly found them to have WAY to many small little flaws that were to much for me personally. So unfortunately, I think for most of these type of controllers……you’re just going to have to stick with wired controllers.
But ok seriously this particular controller is pretty sick even though it’s pretty basic.
Check it out below, this is a great review I found of it. Solid controller.
The trick to making any controller wireless!
I’m soooooo happy I discovered these things. They’re super cool, and probably my favorite discovery I’ve ever made. (I hate wires lol)
Honestly though, I can’t believe I didn’t look into these sooner.
What are they?
Bluetooth midi devices. This particular one is super cool, because all you got to do is plug it in AND it’s powered by the midi output so you DON’T have to charge it. Super cool.
Now, SOME of these devices do have latency issues……but I didn’t see people having problems with this one in particular. Definitely worth at the very least checking them out.
If you’re interested in these, the guy I just shared (John Mike) does a GREAT review of a bunch of different midi devices here.
Sidenote: dude is a super good youtuber. So if you’re interested in just looking intro controllers and different stuff for beatmaking/producing and all that, definitely check out his YT. Makes great reviews so shoutout to him.
Hey man, I really appreciate you guys reading my stuff. I hope that you like it, and get something out of it. I enjoy blogging a LOT so if you’ve got any tips to making these blogs better……PLEASE send those tips. I’d MASSIVELY appreciate it if you did. It would honestly mean a TON to me.
Out of these, they were my personal favorites. That doesn’t mean that out of the ones I listed that there weren’t other great options out there……because there DEFINITELY were. There were a lot of great options…..these were just the ones that I found to be the best.
Also another point I’d like to make, that I wasn’t able to in my post……PLEASE DO YOURSELF THE FAVOR AND DONT BUY ONE UNLESS YOU’VE PLAYED ONE YOURSELF SOMEWHERE.
Like fr. Do not do it. You’re going to want to go and play one somewhere for yourself, and if you DO that then you’ll be able to know for sure if you like how it feels to play on or not.
(Also I understand this always isn’t possible, but for those of you that it is……heed my warning. Buying any musical instrument that you haven’t personally played on before…….it can end up pretty bad)
Thank you again for reading!!!