Get Chills (Goosebumps) from Music? Congratulations, your brain could be unique.

Chances are, if you’re like most people… get goosebumps from time to time. But not everyone gets goosebumps from music. It turns out people who get goosebumps from music have a unique brain structure.

Studies performed at USC by Matthew Sachs who had recently came from Harvard, indicate that the brain structure of people who get these goosebumps actually have more brain fibers, specifically in the auditory cortex linking to different emotional sections of the brain.


Read this report for more info: Oxford


If you experience this phenomenon, you are also more likely to be better connected to yours and others emotions as well, and since this linking of emotions and music can produce positive feelings…. Sachs also hopes therapists will use this knowledge in the future  for those suffering from depression. Incredible.


Even though the study proves that people who experience this phenomenon are unique, it leaves a lot of questions as well. The study was only done with 20 participants, which means there could also be a huge variety of reasons that people experience goosebumps when listening to music. Parts of the study indicate that there possibly is old memories that can be stirred up when listening to some music, triggering the emotional receptors of the brain even further. I know personally I’ve had this happen over and over again in my life, with certain songs reminding me of concerts or Nostalgic memories of being young as well.


Want Ultimate Goosebumps? Listen to this cover of Creep by Daniela Andrade.


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