When it comes to cheap metal guitars, nowadays there are a TON of options. You can easily find great metal guitars that are very inexpensive.
The quality of these guitars is seriously surprising. Honestly almost every one of these guitars you could justify paying double the price or more.
hope you enjoy the list!!
#1 Schecter C-1 Platinum
These are seriously on the higher end for cheap metal guitars……and that’s if you buy used.
But I DID want to share it, because I believe these guitars are basically all you’ll ever need. They’re SO versatile sound INCREDIBLE and play like BUTTER straight from the factory.
The thing is, for whatever reason…..I’ve found Shecters multiple multiple times for WAY below their new price used. Sure they may have a few scratches….
But honestly, it’s worth it to get a guitar you’re going to use for years and years to come.
Rather than get something for a year or two that you have to replace. Personal opinion, but I think you should consider it.
Scout Craigslist daily, and you’ll find these every once in awhile for a stupid steal.
#2 Burning fire style guitar – Glarry
This guitar will change your thinking for life on what a inexpensive guitar can do, and sound like.
Honestly, I had to double check the price on these. In the future, I have no idea how they’re going to top this. Guitars get better and better every day and less expensive. It’s become kind of unreal what you can get with your money now.
I suggest watching the review below, but starting out at 2:40 so you can be truly blown away. I could go on and on about how you’re not going to believe how this guitar sounds……but it’s easier just to show than tell right?
#3 Epiphone SG400
Honestly, it drives me crazy that when people think of a metal guitar……they spout the usual (Ibanez, ESP, Schecter, etc) and no matter which brands they mention……practically no one every mentions epiphone. Ever.
That should change. TONS of great metal guitarists played Epiphone guitars (Matt Heafy of Trivium, Bjorn Gelotte of in flames, Richie Faulkner of Judas Priest…..could go on and on….)
What’s good for you however, is that you can get epiphone guitars at a STEAL for many of their models.
If you’re not convinced that they’re great for metal, listen below. (This is the SG400 which is in my opinion Epiphones best deal)
#4 Mitchell
Honestly, it’s ridiculous that you can find these so cheap. They’re an incredible guitar, and used to literally cost hundreds of dollars before they dropped drastically in price.
They’re really well made. I absolutely love them. Absolutely great for shredding as well. They feel really really good to play, which is surprising for a cheap guitar.
Well, I say cheap….but they’re not really made cheap at all.
If you’re interested in one, get one quick. These really won’t last long, since they didn’t have a lot of popularity to begin with (for whatever reason that I’m not sure of)
This is the best deal on Mitchell’s line up if you’re looking for a straight shred machine.
#5 Shecter Omen Extreme
Honestly, this is one of my favorite guitars I’ve ever owned. It wasn’t perfect, but it did way more than you could ever ask for the price range.
This is a guitar that’s honestly not going to be cheap unless you buy used, but I wanted to put it in here because it really has an absolute ton to offer. You’re not missing out on anything by buying new either, other than I guess the feeling of getting a new guitar. But the feeling of saving a little bit of money and still getting an incredible guitar… Priceless. At least for me.
if this one doesn’t really interest you, at the very least try one out the next time you’re at a guitar store. You’ll be surprised at how the neck feels. Just trust me on this one.
#6 Ibanez GRX20
These guitars are absolutely amazing for metal, and would ultimately be the safest bet if you want to be 100% sure you’re getting something that will last.
They’ve been making these guitars for literally forever. I have a buddy who has one from 10 years ago…..no issues at all. What’s crazy to me is that they’re still relevant today.
They sound amazing, and honestly look amazing as well. You’ll be hard pressed to find something as nice in this price range. I don’t think you can unless it’s a firefly…..but those aren’t built for metal really.
So, to be clear this is on the higher end of the price range of a cheap metal guitar… But I go as far as to say that this guitar is all you’ll ever need for metal. So, if you have the extra cash… Consider buying one of these.
These sound absolutely incredible, Jackson makes some of the best sounding metal guitars out there hands-down. No question. Not only do their guitar sound absolutely phenomenal, but they seriously play like butter in your hands. Some of my favorite metal guitarist (and most likely yours too) Play on Jackson models. They’re all around incredible, and a stupid good deal.
This model in particular is chosen by a lotta guitarist. honestly I think all you have to do is hear the guitar to know why.
#8 Dean MLX
I’m not a huge fan of these guitars personally, because they feel really uncomfortable for me to play in any position really……. whether that standing up sitting down reclining……. it’s just a guitar shape that makes it difficult for me.
That’s not to say these aren’t great guitars, they are great guitars. The neck feels great in hand, and they sound absolutely phenomenal.
These are on the higher end of what I consider a budget guitar, but they are surprisingly good. Definitely worth checking out.
#9 ESP LTD M-17
INSANELY CHEAP FOR A SEVEN STRING……but also sounds amazing…..this guitar is a steal.
I’m not going to say to much about this guitar, but what I found surprising was that out of a LOT of 7 string reviews I’ve watched and played…..(Rip Ibanez S series forever in my heart) This one really sounded incredible. The pickups (ESP designed) actually have a lot of clarity and aren’t very muddy. Which I noticed was a HUGE problem for other 7 strings (especially budget ones) and I’d imagine being a dealbreaker for most people unless you’re switching out the pickups.
Pretty cool guitar, and of course since it’s a 7…..really fun for low tunings.
#10 ESP LTD M10
The fact you can even get an ESP in this price range is wild. But, we live in the golden age for beginner guitarists so…….lucky you.
ESP guitars have been played primarily by metal guitarists for years. They have super fast necks and are just absurdly playable all around. They’re so comfortable in your hands.
Most of their guitars are VERY expensive, which is why you don’t see all to many beginners play them. But I guess with models like these, ESP is really trying to break into the budget guitar market as well.
#11 ESP LTD F-50
While not my absolute favorite guitar on this list, this guitar has an absolutely INSANE value. If you find them used you can get them for practically nothing which is the best part. Having a guitar you can bang around and not really about it is seriously fantastic.
I should add this, basically every single guitar in ESPs LTD budget lineup is a great deal. I’ve never seen one before that was bad. They all sound great, and are made well.
So, if you don’t like this particular design……I definitely suggest checking out some of LTDs other models as well. They have a TON of different options, that pretty much everyone would find something they like.
BONUS: Squier Bullet Strat.
I threw this one in here kind of as a gimmick, just approve that… You can shred on really just about anything nowadays. Now, I don’t really think that it sounds that good… But you can still get at least some tone from single coils.
So, don’t be discouraged with whatever you get. Honestly, most the tone you’re going to be getting is going to be from your amp and everything else you’re using. The guitar it’s just a small part of your tone equation.
These are just some of the guitars you can find for super cheap that are good for metal. There’s a lot more options out there These are just my personal favorites when it comes to inexpensive models.
If you’re on a budget like I am, (and most musicians) I definitely suggest looking at local pawns and music stores for used options to get the absolute best deals.
Something to consider: when it comes to metal, nowadays it’s easier than ever to get a good metal tone……no matter what guitar. So, it’s better to put most of your budget toward your amp rather than towards your guitar. Yes, it is important to get a guitar that feels comfortable to play, but I promise having a great tone is a lot more fun. I’ve spent my whole budget before on a really nice guitar and played with a junkie amp…….and definitely regret it. Playing with an amp that sounds bad……really isn’t very fun.
Also, quick tip: If you’re interested in any of the guitars I mentioned in this article….definitely go to the store and test them out before you buy them. When I first started playing I would get guitars on a whim and this is a HUGE mistake. Many guitars feel different to play than others. This mainly has to do with neck width. But, there are other factors as well that go into this.
Hope you enjoyed this article!!!!